GOTS Section
“The Certified Entity may additionally use pictograms for the safety signs”
• ISO 780, ISO 7010
• ISO 780、ISO 7010
GOTS 第 4.4.8 节
GOTS Section
“Wages and benefits paid for regular working hours meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher. In any event, wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and provide some discretionary income.”
• No worker may experience a decrease in real wages year over year. Adjust each worker’s wage at least annually. When adjusting workers’ wages the inflation rates shall be taken into account.
• 工人的实际工资不得年年降低。至少每年调整工人的 工资。调整工人的工资时,应考虑通货膨胀率。
• Wage increases shall be transferred to workers through whatever means (e.g., digital electronic payment, cash) is typically used for that worker's remuneration. Wage increases will only be paid through in-kind transfers (e.g., food) if negotiated in a collective bargaining agreement.
• 应通过工人报酬常用支付手段(例如:数字化电子支付、现金)将增加的工资支付给工人。只有集体谈判协议中约定,才可通过实物发放形式(例如:食物)作为支付上调的工资。
• If wages are below the relevant living wage benchmark, entities shall regularly increase wages to reduce the gap with the living wage.
• 如果工资低于相关基本生活工资基准,实体则应定期提高工资,以减少与基本生活工资的差距。
• Use country data on inflation (Headline consumer price inflation, annual) published by the World Bank.
• 使用世界银行发布的国家通货膨胀数据(年度总体消费品物价膨胀数据)。
• A Global Database of Inflation, World Bank
• 全球通货膨胀数据库,世界银行
GOTS Section
“The Certified Entity shall calculate ‘Living Wages’ for their respective operations. Furthermore, the Certified Entity shall compare Living Wages data with their remuneration data and calculate the 'Wage Gap' for its workers.”
• Collect detailed data on current compensation. Analyse data to identify distinct wage groups and their earnings. Use the IDH Salary Matrix.
• 收集有关现行报酬的详细数据。分析数据,明确不同工资群体及其收入。使用IDH薪酬矩阵。
• Identify the local living wage estimate. If available, use the Anker estimate. Otherwise, use the Asia Floor Wage, or other NGO or union estimate. If none of these is available, generate an estimate using the resources provided.
• 识别当地基本生活工资估计法。使用Anker估计值(如有)。如无,则使用亚洲最低工资标准,或其它NGO或工会估计值。如果无任何以上可用的标准,则使用提供的资源得出估计值。
• For each wage group, calculate the wage gap (the difference between actual and living wage).
• 计算各个工资群体的工资差距(实际工资和基本生活工资之间的差距)。
• Systematically share wage gap calculation with workers, ask them how the living wage estimate compares to their experiences, and record their responses.
• 系统性地与工人分享工资差距计算结果,告知他们将基本生活工资估计值与其经验相匹配的方式,同时记录他们的回应。
• Note that in the future, Living Wage estimates may be required to include the cost of early childcare.
• 注意,未来估计基本生活工资时,应考虑早期儿童保育费用。
• Systematically share wage gap calculation with buyers, ask them how long it would take to increase prices to cover the wage gap, and record their responses.
• 与买家系统性地分享工资差距计算结果,问他们可能需要多长时间涨价才能填补工资差距,并记录他们作出的回应。
• Living Wage Resource Library of Global Living Wage Coalition
• 全球基本生活工资联合会基本生活工资资源库
• “Implementing Living Wages – Practical Approach for Business” by the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, Germany
• “《实行基本生活工资:实际商业做法》” 德国可持续纺织品合作组织
• The Certified Entity shall collect and analyse data about workers’ remuneration and report what the lowest-paid worker is earning and the average earning for each group (e.g., level) of workers.
• 被认证实体应收集和分析关于工人薪酬的数据,并报告工人的最低工资收入以及各类(如各级)工人的平均收入。
• Living Wages as estimated by Global Living Wage Coalition shall be used as a definition benchmark. Where such benchmarks are unavailable, or in addition to these benchmarks, Template 5: Fair Remuneration Quick Scan as available from amfori BSCI should be used.
• 全球基本生活工资联合会估算的基本生活工资应作为基准。如果没有这些基准,或者除这些基准之外 ,应该 使用全球对外贸易协会提供的 “ 模板( 5 ): 快速了解公平薪酬。
• This template should be read/used with the Section of the amfori BSCI System Manual on Fair Remuneration (especially the auditing interpretation guidelines part III and guidelines for producers part IV) and Annex 9 on How to promote Fair Remuneration.
• 该模板应该参照全球对外贸易协会(amfori) BSCI系统手册中关于公平报酬的章节(尤其是第三章审核解释指南和第四章生产者指南)以及关于如何促进公平报酬的附录9阅读/使用。
• Certified Entities based in the European Union may also refer to the study “Cost of Living, Living Wages, and Minimum Wages in EU-27 countries” conducted by the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) and WageIndicator Foundation.
• 位于欧盟的被认证实体也可参考中欧劳动研究所(CELSI)和工资指数基金开展的名为《欧盟27个国家生活费用、基本生活工资和最低工资标准》的研究。
• The Certified Entities are encouraged to work toward closing the Wage Gap, which may be required, over time, in the future.
• 鼓励被认证实体未来努力缩小工资差距,减少加班。
• Template 5: Fair Remuneration Quick Scan
• 模板5:快速了解公平薪酬