
发布时间: 2024-11-19
阅读人数: 42

5 GOTS产品的标识
5.1 产品标识/产品上 GOTS 标志的应用
5.1.1 The GOTS Signs shall be applied on GOTS Goods in such a way that it is visible to thebuyer / consignee in the textile supply chain and to the end consumer at the time of purchase (e.g. use on (final) packaging and/or hangtag and/or a (care) label).
5.1.1 应用于GOTS 产品上的 GOTS 标志要使纺织供应链上的买家/收货人以及购买时的终端消费者清晰可见(如用于(最终)包装和/或吊牌和/或(养护)标签上)。
5.1.2 According to the criterion given in Section 1.4 of GOTS, use of GOTS Signs on GOTSGoods sold in retail is mandatory.
5.1.2 GOTS标准1.4节准则规定,通过零售渠道销售的GOTS产品必须标注GOTS标志。
5.1.3 Buyers of GOTS Goods who are obliged to participate in the certification scheme according to the criteria as provided for in Section 4.1 of GOTS are not permitted to present or (re)sell these (further processed) products with the GOTS Signs if they are notGOTS certified themselves.
5.1.3 根据《GOTS标准》第4.1节要求,有义务参加认证体系的 GOTS 产品买家,若其自身未被 GOTS认证,则不可使用 GOTS 标志展示或(再)销售这些(进一步加工的)产品。
5.1.4 The GOTS Signs always shall be accompanied by the applicable label grade "organic" (or "organic in conversion") or "made with (x %) organic materials" (or "made with (x %) organic in conversion materials"). A reference to the Approved Certifier who has certified the marked goods (e.g. certifier's name, short form and/or logo) and the licence number of the Certified Entity (as provided by the Approved Certifier) is mandatory. If the last CertifiedEntity in the supply chain is a trader or retailer, the licence number used in labelling may bethe licence number of the last manufacturer or of a certified trader or certified retailer.
5.1.4 该GOTS标志必须总是与相应的标签等级“有机”(或“有机转换”),或“用(X%)有机 原料制成”(或“用(X%)有机转换原料制成”)共同使用。须说明认证该标识商品的授权认证机构(如认证机构名称、简称和/或标志)以及授权认证机构的许可号(由授权认证机构 提供)。如果供应链上最后一个被认证实体是一个贸易商或零售商,在标识中使用的许可号可以是最后一个制造商或该被认证贸易商或该被认证零售商的许可号。
5.1.5 Use of the GOTS Signs by suppliers of GOTS Goods shall be expressly released by the Approved Certifier by way of the form “Labelling Release for GOTS Goods”.
5.1.5 GOTS产品供应商须在授权认证机构出具《GOTS 产品标识放行审批表》明确表示批准后方可使用GOTS标志。
5.1.6 These conditions also apply for identification of any GOTS Goods presented (for sale) in catalogues, on web pages or other publications (e.g. by mail order companies). In every case the  user shall ensure that no confusion arises between GOTS certified and not GOTScertified products in any marking, publications, advertising, etc.
5.1.6 这些规则也适用于(如:邮购公司的)产品目录、网页或其他出版物(以销售为目的)展示的GOTS产品的标识。在任何情况下,使用者均须确保标识、出版物和广告等资料中的 GOTS 认证产品与非5.2 GOTS GOODS THAT COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS AS DEFINED INSECTION 
2.2.1 OF GOTS
5.2 符合《GOTS 标准》第 2.2.1 节规定要求的 GOTS 产品
5.2.1 GOTS Goods that comply with requirements as defined in Section 2.2.1 of GOTS shall bemarked as follows:
5.2.1 符合《GOTS 标准》第2.2.1 节规定要求的 GOTS 产品须标识如下:

5.2.2 Alternative placement of information
5.2.2 信息位置调整
The user may use alternative placement of accompanying information but ensuring all requirements of labelling are satisfied (e.g. placing the information beside GOTS Signs).

上一章: GOTS认证咨询-GOTS7.0新特性引领有机纺织品行业变革
下一章: GOTS认证咨询-化学品供应商注册之添加物年费与注册费说明
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