
发布时间: 2024-11-19
阅读人数: 38

4 FEES 费用
4.1 实体年费
4.1.1 Each Certified Entity shall pay an annual fee based on the number of facilities inspected. If a Certified Entity is listed as a sub-contractor on another Scope Certificate and is inspectedby the Approved Certifier as a part of its Risk Assessment, an annual fee is payable only once for such a facility, through its own Certifier.
4.1.1 每个被认证实体须根据被检查的工厂数量支付年费。在另一份合格证上被列为分包商并在授权认证机构风险评估范围内的被认证实体仅需通过其认证机构为每处场所支付一次年费。
4.1.2 Fees shall be paid for all Scope Certificate holders irrespective of whether this location hasany textile processing or not. Fees shall be therefore payable for registered offices, administrative, marketing, accounting offices etc. should they be the primary Scope Certificate holders, in addition totheir facilities.
4.1.2 不论该地点是否用于进行纺织品加工,所有合格证持有场所均须缴纳费用。因此,除工厂外,被认证实体还须为作为合格证主要持有场所的注册办事处、行政办事处、营销办事处和会计办事处等场所支
4.1.3 The Fee is set at €150 for each facility that is inspected for a Certified Entity.
4.1.3 被认证实体每处经检查的场所的年费为 150 欧元。
4.1.4 Certified Entities that are ordinary members of one of the founding organisations of the Global Standard gGmbH pay half of the amounts.
4.1.4 若被认证实体为全球标准非盈利公司(the Global Standard gGmbH)创始机构之一的普通会员,则支付一半年费。
4.1.5 The Fee shall be collected by the Approved Certifier and transferred to the GlobalStandard gGmbH quarterly based on a calendar year.
4.1.5 年费须由授权认证机构代收,授权认证机构按季度(自然年季度)向全球标准非盈利公司(the Global Standard gGmbH)转账收取的年费。
4.1.6 A Certified Entity which resigns and reapplies certification in the following year again, isrequired to pay the applicable Annual Fees for both years.
4.1.6 若被认证实体放弃认证,并在下一年重新申请认证,需支付相应两年的年费。
4.1.7 Certifier invoices that are sent to their clients shall include the phrase “payable to GOTS” in parenthesis to distinguish this item from any other fees payable to the Approved Certifier.
4.1.7 认证机构向客户开具的发票须注明“(收款人:GOTS)”,以将本项收费与其他向授权认证机构支付的费用区分开。

4.2 认证机构年费
4.2.1 The Approved Certifiers shall pay an Annual Fee of €40 per calendar year (including incomplete calendar years) per facility inspected and/or certified to the Global StandardgGmbH.
4.2.1 授权认证机构须向全球标准非盈利公司(the Global Standard gGmbH)为每处被检查和(或)被认证的场所支付每自然年40 欧元的年费(包括不满1个自然年)。
4.2.2 The Fee shall be collected by the Approved Certifier and transferred to the GlobalStandard gGmbH quarterly, based on a calendar year.
4.2.2 年费须由授权认证机构代收,授权认证机构按季度(自然年季度)向全球标准非盈利公司(the Global  Standard gGmbH)转账收取的年费。

4.3 添加物注册费
4.3.1 Producers and suppliers of GOTS Additives who have applied to an Approved Certifier for approval of their inputs and / or accessories shall pay an Additives Registration Fee for each trade name of GOTS Additives which gets listed in Table(s) Appendix on GOTS Letter of Approval (LoA) (see Section 2.2.3 of ‘Policy and Template for Issuing Letters of Approval’). The Additives Registration Fee is payable at first registration and covers the time until the next version of GOTS comes into force (general revisions of the standard arescheduled every 3 years). A holder of GOTS Letter of Approval that resigns and reapplies in the same GOTS Version (to same or different Scope4 Approved Certifier) shall pay the applicable Additives Registration Fee again.
4.3.1 GOTS添加物生产商和供应商向授权认证机构申请批准其使用投入物和/或辅料,应为GOTS添加物的每个商品名支付添加物注册费,这些商品名会被列入GOTS批文附表。添加物注册费在首次注册时支
付,有效时间至下一版本GOTS标准生效时(GOTS标准的修订工作通常为每 3 年1次)。若生产商和供应商在获得GOTS批文后放弃注册,随后再次(向同一或另一具备范围4资质的授权认证机构)申请同一版本的GOST标准注册,须再次支付适用的添加物注册费。
4.3.2 The Additives Registration Fee is set at €25 for each trade name of GOTS Additives listed in the LoA.
4.3.2 每个列入批文的GOTS添加物商品名的添加物注册费为25欧元。
4.3.3 The Additives Registration Fee shall be collected by the Approved Certifier at the latest with issuance of the related Letter of Approval and transferred to the Global Standard gGmbH quarterly based on a calendar year.Certifier invoices that are sent out to their clients shall include the phrase “payable to GOTS” in parenthesis to distinguish this itemfrom any other fees payable to the Approved Certifier.
4.3.3 添加物注册费最迟须由授权认证机构在颁发相关批文时代收,并转账给全球标准非盈利公司(the Global Standard gGmbH)。认证机构向客户开具的发票须注明“(收款人:GOTS)”,以将本项收费与其他向授权认证机构支付的费用区分开。

44 添加物年费
4.4.1 Each holder of a GOTS LoA shall pay an Additives Annual Fee based on the number of GOTS  Additives listed in the Table(s) Appendix (see Section 2.2.3 of Policy and Templatefor Issuing Letters of Approval for GOTS Additives). Payment of Annual Fees shall permit the holder of the LoA to use the GOTS logo under conditions described in Section 7. Feesare payable annually after first approval.
4.4.1 获发GOTS批文的各企业应按照列入附表的GOTS添加物数量支付添加物年费(请参阅《GOTS添加物批文出具政策和模板》第2.2.3节)。支付年费后,获发GOTS批文的企业即可依据第7节规定的条件使用GOTS标志。首次获批后每年支付一次年费。
4.4.2 The Additives Annual Fee is set at €5 per registered additive per calendar year or partthereof,subject to a minimum fee of €150.
4.4.2 每种注册添加物每个自然年度或每个自然年度内一定时间段的添加物年费为5欧元,不足150欧元按150欧元收取。
4.4.3 The Additives Annual Fee shall be collected by the Scope 4 Approved Certifier andtransferred to the Global Standard gGmbH quarterly based on a calendar year.
4.4.3 添加物年费须由具备范围4资质的授权认证机构代收,授权认证机构按季度(自然年季度)向全球标准非盈利公司(the Global Standard gGmbH)转账收取的年费。
4.4.4 Certifier invoices that are sent out to their clients shall include the phrase “payable to GOTS” in parenthesis to distinguish this item from any other fees payable to the ApprovedCertifier.
4.4.4 认证机构向客户开具的发票须注明“(收款人:GOTS)”,以将本项收费与其他向授权认证机构支付的费用区分开。

上一章: GOTS认证咨询-GOTS7.0新特性引领有机纺织品行业变革
下一章: GOTS认证咨询-品牌合作须支付品牌合作年费
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