3 标识规则及费用
3.1 GOTS 产品
3.1.1 With the completion of GOTS certification by an Approved Certifier the Certified Entity acquires a permission to participate in the GOTS programme, including use of the Standard and – upon express
release by the Approved Certifier with the form "Labelling Release for GOTS Goods" – the GOTS Signs on its respective GOTS Goods in accordance with the provisions of this Document and as long as the certification remainsvalid.
3.1.1 授权认证机构完成GOTS认证程序后,被认证实体会获批准加入GOTS体系,包括使用GOTS标准,以及一旦授权认证机构出具《GOTS产品标识放行审批表》明确表示批准后,就可根据本文件规定在其对应的GOTS产品上使用GOTS标志(只要认证处于有效期内)。
3.1.2 Certified Entity shall keep full records for each client that receives GOTS Goods includinglists of all products, their specifications and quantities and shall make this information available for inspection
by the Approved Certifier. The Approved Certifier shall review andapprove the intended use of the GOTS Signs and labelling by the Certified Entity in advance through the use of the form "Labelling Release for GOTS Goods".
3.1.2 被认证实体必须完整保留其每个客户就接收的GOTS产品的记录,包括所有产品的清单、产 品规格、数量,并且这些信息须可供授权认证机构检查。授权认证机构须通过使用《GOTS产品标识放行审批表》对被认证实体的GOTS标志和标识的使用进行提前评审并批准。
3.1.3 Label releases shall be obtained by a Certified Entity only through its respective Approved Certifier.
3.1.3 被认证实体须并仅可获得其授权认证机构的标识批准。
3.2 GOTS 添加物
3.2.1 With issuance of a GOTS Letter of Approval by a Scope 4 Approved Certifier, the supplier of GOTS Additives acquires a permission to participate it in the GOTS programme, including use of the standard and – upon express release by the Scope 4 Approved Certifier with the form “Labelling Release for GOTS Additives” – the GOTS Signs limited toOther Applications of GOTS Signs in accordance with the provisions of this document (particularly Section 7) and as long as the Letter ofApproval remains valid.
3.2.1 具备范围4资质的授权认证机构出具GOTS投入物批文后,GOTS添加物供应商会获批准加入GOTS体系,包括使用GOTS标准,以及一旦范围4授权认证机构出具《GOTS添加物标识放行审批表》明确表示批准后,就可根据本文件规定(尤其是第7节规定)在GOTS标志的其他应用情况下使用GOTS标志(只要批文处于有效期内)。
3.3 品牌合作:品牌所有人注册
3.2.1 Cobranding according to this document means the application of a Brand to GOTS Goods and/or its packaging.
3.2.1 在本文件中,“品牌合作”是指在GOTS产品及/或其包装上标注某个名牌。
3.2.2 In addition to other provisions of this document, Cobranding to GOTS goods is only permitted, if the respective Brand Owner has properly registered the respective Brands with Global Standard gGmbH and received prior written approval for such co-branding. Theaforementioned does not apply to other certification marks, signs of certification bodies andofficial signs or seals by a government on GOTS
3.2.2 除本文件所载的其他规定外,GOTS产品品牌合作还要求各品牌所有人必须就各自品牌在全球标准非盈利公司(Global Standard gGmbH)完成相关注册并获得品牌合作事先批准书。上述要求不适用于GOTS产品上的其他认证标志、认证机构标志以及政府官方标志或印章。
3.2.3 Cobranding requires the payment of Cobranding Annual Fees. Details for registration, theregistration
process and fees will be developed over the course of 2021.
3.2.3 品牌合作须支付品牌合作年费。注册、注册流程及费用详细规定将于2021年制定。
3.2.4 Section 3.3 shall be applicable only after the said system has been introduced.
3.2.4 第3.3节规定须在上述制度实行后生效。