
阅读人数: 11

B2.2    Child Labor

B2.2    童工
B2.2a Certified Organizations shall comply with:
B2.2a 认证组织应遵守:
i. the national minimum age for employment;
ii.or the age of completion of compulsory education;
iii.or any otherwise specified exceptions;
iv.and shall not employ any person under the age of 15, whichever of these is higher. If, however, local minimum age law is set at 14 years of age in accordance with developing country exceptions under ILO Convention 138, this lower age may apply.
iv. 不得雇用任何 15 岁以下的人员,以其中最低年龄为准。但是,国际劳工组织第 138 号公约规定的发展中国家例外,当地最低年龄法定为 14 岁,那么这个较低的年龄可能适用。

B2.2b Certified Organizations shall not recruit child labor nor exploit children in any way. If children are found to be working directly or indirectly for the Certified Organizations, the latter shall seek a sensitive and satisfactory solution that puts the best interests of the child first.
B2.2b 认证组织不得招募童工或以任何方式剥削儿童。如果发现儿童直接或间接为认证组织工作, 后者则应寻求一种敏感而令人满意的解决方案,使儿童最有利。
B2.2c Certified Organizations shall not employ young workers under 18 years of age at night, or in conditions which compromise their health, their safety or their moral integrity, and/or which harm their physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.
B2.2c 认证组织不得在晚上或在损害其健康、安全或道德诚信的情况下和/或损害身体、精神、心灵、道德或社会发展的条件下雇用 18 岁以下的青年工人。

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