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1.5 参考文献
Beside this Standard the Global Standard gGmbH has released the following official reference documents that provide for binding provisions and requirements for Approved Certifiers and users of the GOTS:
除本标准外,全球有机纺织品标准组织还发布了以下官方的参考文献,对被授权认证机构和 GOTS 用户都提出了具备约束力的规定和要求:
1.5.1 Manual for the Implementation of the Global Organic Textile Standard:
1.5.1 《全球有机纺织品标准实施手册》:
provides interpretations and clarifications for specific criteria of GOTS. Its purpose is to prevent any inconsistent, inappropriate or incorrect interpretation of the Standard. It further contains requirements and detailed specifications for the application of the GOTS and the implementation of the related quality assurance system for certifiers.
为 GOTS 特定准则提供了释义和说明。其目的在于消除各种对本标准不一致、不准确甚至错误的理解。该手册还包括认证机构应用 GOTS 标准和实施相关质量保障体系的要求和详细说明。
1.5.2 Licensing and Labelling Guide:
1.5.2 《许可和标识指南》:
specifies the licensing conditions for companies participating in the GOTS certification system and defines the corresponding license fees. It further sets the requirements for the use of the GOTS registered trademarks.
详细说明了公司参加 GOTS 认证体系的许可条件,规定了对应的许可费用。该《指南》还规定了使用GOTS 注册商标的要求。
1.5.3 Labelling Release for GOTS Goods :
1.5.3 《GOTS 产品标识放行审批表》:
provides a release form for labelling of GOTS Goods
提供标识 GOTS 产品的放行审批表格
1.5.4 Labelling Release for GOTS Additives :
1.5.4 《GOTS 添加剂标识放行审批表》:
provides a release form for labelling of GOTS Additives
提供标识 GOTS 添加剂的放行审批表格
1.5.5 Policy and Template for issuing Scope Certificates (SCs):
1.5.5 《合格证书颁发政策和模板》:
provides detailed instructions with regard to policies, layout, format and text for issuing Certificates of Compliance
1.5.6 Policy and Template for issuing Transaction Certificates (TCs):
1.5.6 《交易证(TC)颁发政策和模板》:
provides detailed instructions with regard to policies, layout, format and text for issuing Transaction Certificates
1.5.7 Policy and Template for issuing Letters of Approval:
1.5.7 《投入物批文颁发政策和模板》:
provides detailed instructions with regard to policies, layout, format and text for issuing Letters of Approval for colourants and textile auxiliaries which are approved as inputs for application in the processing of GOTS certified textile products
对批准用于加工 GOTS 认证的纺织品的投入物——染化料和助剂的批文的颁发政策、设计、格式和文字提出了详细指令
1.5.8 Approval Procedure and Requirements for Certification Bodies:
1.5.8 《认证机构审批程序和要求》:
specifies the approval and monitoring procedures and sets out the related requirements for Certification Bodies to implement the GOTS certification and quality assurance system
详细说明了对认证机构进行审批和监管的程序,规定了认证机构实施 GOTS 认证和质量保障体系的相关要求
1.5.9 Policy for Change or Migration of Certifier:
1.5.9 认证机构变更或迁移适用的政策
specifies the steps to be undertaken by Approved Certifier and Certified Entity in case of change or migration of certifier.

上一章: GOTS认证辅导-深度剖析如何挑选合适的GOTS认可认证机构
下一章: GOTS认证辅导|标识涵盖认证机构名称及认证实体的许可号
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