
发布时间: 2023-10-19
阅读人数: 10

10 GOTS 标志的其他应用
In addition to its application as identification mark for GOTS Goods, the GOTS Signs represent the'Global Organic Textile Standard' as such. It may accordingly be used only in the appropriate and unambiguous context, such as for informative and advertising purposes by:
除了作为 GOTS产品的识别标志外, GOTS标志也代表“全球有机纺织品标准”。 因此,它仅可在恰当和明确的背景下使用,例如通过以下方式用于信息和广告目的:
10.1.1 The Global Standard gGmbH and its founding organisations.
10.1.1 全球标准非盈利公司( The Global Standard gGmbH)及其创始机构
10.1.2 Approved Certifiers referring to their approved status and offering their related qualityassurance services.
10.1.2 授权认证机构涉及其许可状态以及提供相关质量保证服务.
10.1.3 Certified Entities and retailers with reference to their certified operational status and/or theirGOTS Goods that are marked with the GOTS Signs, during validity of their Scope Certificates. In particular,
traders and retailers may only use the GOTS Signs or other reference to GOTS (certification) in this context if the referred products sold carry completeand correct GOTS on-product labelling as described in Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.
10.1.3 被认证实体和零售商有关其在合格证有效期内被认证经营状态以及/或其使用GOTS标志的 GOTS产品。特别是,仅在出售的产品持有完整和正确的 GOTS 产品标签时,交易商和零售商方可使用GOTS
标志或引用 GOTS(认证),如第5.2、5.3和5.4节所述。
10.1.4 Suppliers of GOTS Additives with reference to their approved additives that are releasedon Letters of Approval by an Approved Certifier, during validity of their Letter of Approval.
10.1.4 GOTS添加物供应商在批文有效期内用于说明其经批准的添加物经授权认证机构出具批文批准。
10.1.5 Stakeholders, NGOs, media and other parties that distribute independent (consumer)information.
10.1.5 利益相关方、 NGO、媒体和其他发布独立(消费者)信息的各方。
In every case the user shall ensure that no confusion arises between GOTS certified/approved andnot GOTS certified/approved products in any publication and/or advertising.
在任何情况下,使用者须确保在任何出版物和/或广告中, GOTS 认证/批注产品和非GOTS 认证/批准产品不会产生混淆。

上一章: GOTS认证咨询-GOTS为消费者撑起纺织品选购的“保护伞”
下一章: GOTS认证辅导|提供独立实验室的成分分析报告及追溯核查文件有助于评估开展
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